Life Beyond the Lens: A PNW Wedding Photographer's Day Not Shooting

Hey there, lovely readers! Today, I'm inviting you to step into my world beyond the camera lens, where the magic of photography meets the everyday joys and challenges of life. So, grab a cup of coffee and join me for a glimpse into a day in my life when I'm not capturing those unforgettable wedding moments.

Astoria, Oregon Oregon Coast Wedding and Elopement Photographer

Morning Routines and Coffee Bliss

My day kicks off around 8 am – a luxury I've come to appreciate in the world of early sunrise shoots. The first order of business? A cup of coffee. As I savor the rich aroma, I find solace in the quiet morning hours, scrolling through Instagram and drawing inspiration from fellow creatives.

Editing: A Labor of Love

With caffeine in my system, I head to my computer to tackle the mountain of editing awaiting me. But before diving into the sea of photos, there's a meticulous culling process. I sift through each shot, ensuring you receive only the best, free from duplicates or any unintentional closed-eye family members.

The editing process itself is an art form. Spending about five minutes on each photo, I enhance the colors, highlight emotions, and bring out the unique beauty of every moment captured. It's a slow, deliberate dance that turns raw images into timeless memories.

Bridging the Gap: Blogging and Social Media

To break up the editing routine, I sometimes find myself reliving past moments. Blogging engagement sessions or weddings allows me to share my work and a bit of my personal life with the world. Social media becomes a canvas to showcase snippets of the love stories I'm privileged to witness.

Life Beyond Photography

But my day extends beyond the pixels and frames. As evening approaches, my boyfriend, Rick, walks through the door, and I switch gears from photographer to chef. Dinner prep begins, a task made even more special as I prepare meals for Rick and his two kids who share our home.

Sometimes, I take on the role of chauffeur, driving Rick's youngest to school or cheering her on at volleyball and softball games. Running errands, scouting new shoot locations, and meeting potential clients also fill my schedule, turning each day into a unique blend of creativity and business.

Wearing Many Hats

In addition to being behind the camera, I find myself donning various hats – a bookkeeper managing the financial side of my business, a social media manager curating the perfect online presence, and a website builder shaping the digital face of my passion. It's a multifaceted journey, but each role contributes to the tapestry of my photography venture.

Evening Bliss

As the day winds down, Rick and I cozy up on the couch, immersing ourselves in a good movie or discovering a new binge-worthy show. Sometimes, I pack Rick's lunch for his early morning starts, adding a touch of care to the end of my day.

So, there you have it – a day in my life beyond the lens. It's a delicate balance of artistry, business, and personal connections. From coffee-fueled mornings to cuddles on the couch, each moment contributes to the beautiful chaos of being a PNW wedding photographer. Thanks for peeking behind the curtain, and until next time, keep celebrating love in all its forms!

Chelsea Moudry

Chelsea Moudry is a traveling wedding and elopement photographer based in Astoria, Oregon.

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