Weathering the Storm: Tips for Couples During Rainy Day Oregon Coast Sessions

Hey there, lovely couples! If you're planning a dreamy photoshoot along the Oregon Coast, you've probably envisioned the sun-kissed waves and gentle sea breeze. But hey, Mother Nature has a way of surprising us, right? Don't let the unpredictable weather throw a damper on your coastal session plans! In fact, I'm here to tell you that rainy or stormy conditions can add a touch of magic and romance to your photos. So, let's dive into some tips on how to make the most of those moody Oregon Coast days.

Oregon Coast Cannon Beach Oregon Rainy Engagement Session

Embrace the Drama: There's something enchanting about stormy weather on the Oregon Coast. The dramatic clouds, crashing waves, and misty landscapes can create a backdrop that's both unique and full of emotion. Embrace the drama that comes with the rain – it might just be the secret ingredient to making your photos truly stand out.

Cozy Up with Stylish Rain Gear: Let's face it, rain can be romantic! Invest in some stylish clear umbrellas that not only keep you dry but add a chic touch to your photos. I've got some favorites that won't steal the spotlight from you two. And don't worry, I've got my gear covered too – waterproof camera protection is a must!

Seek Shelter in Charming Locations: While we might not want a downpour, a bit of rain can lead us to some charming and unique locations. Think coastal cliffs, covered bridges, or cozy coastal towns. These spots can offer shelter while providing a backdrop that complements the natural beauty of the Oregon Coast.

Dance in the Rain – Literally: Don't be afraid to let loose and have some fun! Whether it's a playful dance in the rain or a warm embrace under an umbrella, these candid moments can turn a seemingly gloomy day into a collection of cherished memories. Trust me; those spontaneous moments often become the heart of the photo session.

Capture Reflections and Romance: Rain brings out beautiful reflections on the wet sands of the Oregon Coast. Let's use those puddles to our advantage, capturing reflections of your love story against the stunning coastal backdrop. It's a touch of artistry that turns a rainy day into a canvas of romance.

Let's Enhance Those Colors: Rain can intensify the colors around us. During the editing process, I'll enhance those natural hues to bring out the richness of the coastal landscape. What might seem like a gray day in person can transform into a visually stunning and vibrant collection of images.

So, to all you amazing couples planning an Oregon Coast session, don't fret about the weather forecast. Let's turn those rainy days into a canvas for your love story. Together, we'll weather the storm and capture moments that are as unique and beautiful as your love. After all, some of the most magical memories happen when we're willing to dance in the rain. Can't wait to create some photo magic with you!

Chelsea Moudry

Chelsea Moudry is a traveling wedding and elopement photographer based in Astoria, Oregon.

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